Research by Ronan Cameron-Carter
Government advice and statistics
UK Government Coronavirus information page – The UK Government’s official coronavirus information page where you can find the latest government policies on travel restrictions, social distancing, testing, and other important information.
Getting a free test for coronavirus – If you have any of the symptoms of Covid-19, you can get a free test kit by going on this website. It takes 5 minutes to sign up and get a free test kit and comes the next day.
NHS: Track and Trace Covid – If you have been tested positive for Covid-19, you can download the track and trace app to alert recent places you’ve been or you can be alerted if you have been in contact with someone who tested positive.
Daily stats on Covid-19 around the UK – Daily updates and statistics on different factors such as deaths, tests and confirmed cases. They also have more in-depth statistics on hospital admissions, beds available.
Information on restrictions in areas in the UK – There are many local lockdown restrictions you might not know about in different areas around the UK, with this link you can type a postcode into the search and you can see what the restrictions in that area.
Information on different areas around the UK (Statistics on coronavirus cases where you live) – Do you want to find out how many active cases are there where you live or where your grandparents live? This BBC page tells you how many cases there are in your area and others around the UK.

Physical and mental health resources
Health and Social care help – Are you a full-time carer or know someone who cares for someone? Carers or young carers can get information about how to deal with the people you care for safely during Covid-19.
NHS: Every mind matter – Are you worried about our job? Are you feeling isolated? If you need information about managing your mental wellbeing during Covid-19, the NHS gives helpful advice about looking after yourself and staying safe.
Guidelines/Information on playing sport during Covid – Information on how to play sport safely during the coronavirus pandemic. Includes all sports and various ways on how you can stay safe and still enjoy your chosen sport.
BBC: How to stay safe during the pandemic – In depth advice on how to stay safe during Covid-19 and ways to stop the spread of the virus. This is can be used by children to easily understand the ways in which to stop the spread or contracting the virus.
Travel / Non-UK resident resources
Transport advice and information during Covid – Information on travelling safely during Covid-19 around the UK includes all types of transport and advice for travelling to school or work. This advice is good for any type of transport in all areas around the UK.
Information on coronavirus and for non-UK nationals – This page includes specific information for non-UK nationals and Covid-19. Includes information on visas, travelling and EU settlement schemes and includes information for people studying in the UK.
International travel advice – Are you travelling to another country this year? Here is Information on travelling to different countries with advice for being on the plane and being in another country.
Visiting places of workship
UK government advice on places of worship – COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship and special religious services and gatherings during the pandemic.
Employment/ Career resources
Information and support for local business and the self-employed – Advice and help for small businesses and people who are self-employed links to (government schemes as well). There is a lot of help and information.

Advice on working safely during Covid – information for workers and employers on making a safe working space during Corona. This covers all industries from office work to construction, with helpful advice on how to stay safe.
Information on volunteering during cCovid-19 – Would you like to help your local area during the Covid-19 pandemic? Information on volunteering from home and advice on volunteering outside safely (Links to sign up to volunteer).
Housing resources
Guidance for landlords and tenants on renting and Covid-19– information on housing during corona virus pandemic (Links to accommodations and other housing information).
Parent Guidance and pet resources
Resources for parents – The Children’s Commissioner have come up with a list of useful resources for parents. From links to free language lessons to free audiobooks! Although this list was published during the lockdown, the resources are still very helpful for busy parents.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for people in England with animals – If you have a pet and have coronavirus or know someone in this situation here is advice for people self-isolating with pets and guidance on how to take care of your pet.
Information and advice on schools during Covid-19– Information on how to stay safe during a day at school and has information for parents that have concerns about their child’s safety. Includes different ways to stop the spread of the virus in schools.