About Tinig UK
Tinig UK is a nonprofit community website that aims to elevate the profile of Filipinos in Britain and empower them through reliable information and advice.
It was born in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic to respond to the lack of high-quality information on how Covid-19 was affecting the Filipino community. At least 80 Filipino healthcare workers died of Covid 19, making them one of the hardest-hit ethnic groups.
As the pandemic unfolded, Filipinos started coming together in the face of the awful deaths of kababayans working on the frontlines. They cooked and sewed scrub caps for Filipino healthcare staff and their colleagues. They delivered groceries for vulnerable kakabayans and raised money for the grieving families left behind.
For the first time, we saw Filipino healthcare professionals and leaders bravely speaking to the British media – sharing how they lacked access to PPE yet turned up to work out of fear of speaking out and losing their jobs.
But no one was telling these stories in a forum where everyone could read them. Each Filipino organisation or individual was posting on their own Facebook accounts or pages.
And so Tinig UK was born. We aim to bring our diverse stories, views, events and projects together – in one place. We want to be heard and to be visible to fellow Filipinos and to the wider British public. We believe our messages can be more powerful if we speak with one voice.

Contribute for us
Have you got any interesting photos or stories to share? Or original poetry, recipes, or videos? Then please get in touch!
Our Mission
We aim to bring our diverse stories, views, events and projects together – in one place. We want to be heard and to be visible to fellow Filipinos and to the wider British public.
We believe our messages can be more powerful if we speak with one voice.
We are dedicated to promoting Philippine culture, business and the overall well-being of immigrant Filipinos in the UK.
And we do this through our community of contributors and volunteers, writers, editors, graphic designers – without whom none of this would be possible. They enable Tinig UK to deliver on its mission – of creating original, fresh and quality content – with UK-based Filipinos in mind. They make us what we are.
So if you would like to be part of this – whether helping out with the website or advertising or partnering with us, please get in touch at info@tinig-uk.com
Support our work - partner with us
Support our work through advertising or sponsorship and help us create a more equal, diverse and inclusive society in Britain.